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MillProduction Mill

Production Mill

FPS에서 생산하는 Mill은 Application에 따라 여라가지 종류가 있습니다 Spiral Jet Mill, Q-Mill, Mechanical Mill, Multimilling Flatform, R&D unit Mill, Pro Mill 등 사용 목적에 따라 다양한 제품을 공급하고 있습니다. URS에 따라 Customized 하여 개발하며 Customer 요구사항에 맞춤 제품을 생산합니다.

Spiral Jet Mill, Q-Mill, Mechanical Mill, Multimilling Flatform, R&D unit Mill, Pro Mill 등 사용 목적에 따라 다양한 제품을 공급하고 있습니다. URS에 따라 Customized 하여 개발하며 Customer 요구사항에 맞춤 제품을 생산합니다.

Pro Mill 8

The ProMill-8 jet mill is designed for production needs. The typical batch sizes is between 2kg and 1000kg. It's available in two configurations, cosmetic/chemical and pharmaceutical, to better-fit different requirements.
At FPS R&D and test center it's possible to perform technical trials with products on ProMills.
ProMill-8 unit is available in:
- ATEX configuration
- with PLC control system
- with interchangeable inserts
(AISI316L, HC-22, PTFE, HDPE or ceramic)

Pro Mill 12
Pro Mill 16

The ProMill-16 jet mill is designed for production needs. Typical batch sizes is between 20kg and 5000kg. It is available in two configurations, chemical and pharmaceutical, to better-fit different requirements.
At FPS R&D and test center it's possible to perform technical trials with products on ProMills.
ProMill-16 unit is available in:
- ATEX configuration
- with PLC control system
- with interchangeable inserts
(AISI316L, HC-22, PTFE, HDPE or ceramic)


필요하신 사양이 있으시면 URS를 통해 정확한 모델 및 사양을 선택하실 수 있습니다.
문의사항은 (주)크렌비텍 031-8027-2121 로 전화 주시기 바랍니다.
이메일 문의 : jcjae@crenvis.com
